Muhyiddin: Not practical to disclose H1N1 hotspots
KUANTAN, Aug 15 – The government has decided against releasing information on Influenza A(H1N1) hot spots in the country, with Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin saying it was not a practical idea.
He said that disclosing locations with rampant A(H1N1) cases would bring about numerous implications.
For instance, if an area was declared to be free of A(H1N1), the people there might take the pandemic for granted.
On the other hand, he said, if a locality was declare to be a H1N1 hot spot, this would negatively impact the area.
“For instance if there are A(H1N1) cases detected in Kuantan, we cannot say don’t go to Kuantan. On the other hand, those living outside the hot spots may take the matter lightly. This is also dangerous,” he told reporters here.
Muhyiddin said yesterday that he would discuss with Health Ministry officials the possibility of releasing information on locations with rampant A(H1N1) cases.
He said he had discussed the matter with Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and came to the conclusion that there was no necessity to do so.
Several consumer associations had urged the Health Ministry to disclose the Influenza A(H1N1) hot spots, especially areas which involved deaths.
Muhyiddin said it was difficult to classify A(H1N1) hot spots due to the existence of cross-border transmissions.
“It’s not like disclosing haze hot spots where we are able to pinpoint their exact locations on the map. This is about viral transmission which also occurred in other countries and not confine to certain localities,” he said.
What was important, said Muhyiddin, was for all to take precautionary measures and heed the advice of health authorities.
In a related development, Muhyiddin said, the government had spent RM40 million to acquire additional supply of the antiviral drug, Tamiflu.
“We want the supply to be increased from 10 per cent to 20 per cent in all hospitals and clinics. We have also spent RM3 million to distribute face masks to students nationwide,” he said.
He also instructed the Health Ministry to shorten the waiting time for treatment in view of overcrowding in hospitals of late.
“Hospitals should give priority to treating those displaying severe symptoms of the illness,” he said. – Bernama
The Malaysian Insider
5 juta rakyat Malaysia akan dijangkiti H1N1
BUKIT MERTAJAM 15 Ogos — Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) menganggarkan lima juta atau 20 peratus rakyat negara ini berisiko dijangkiti virus selesema babi atau influenza A (H1N1) jika langkah pencegahan tidak diambil secara serius oleh orang ramai.
Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai berkata, kajian WHO juga menjangkakan penularan wabak itu mungkin berlarutan antara enam bulan hingga setahun lagi.
“Kajian itu menyebut bahawa jika penularan virus H1N1 di sesebuah negara tidak berjaya ditangani dengan berkesan, 20 peratus penduduknya akan terdedah dengan jangkitan virus itu,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas melawat Hospital Bukit Mertajam di sini hari ini.
Utusan Malaysia
Salam mahasiswa. Sudah terlalu banyak kes H1N1 yang didengari dan dibaca akhir-akhir ini. Bilangan kematian disebabkan virus ini di negara kita sudah semakin meningkat hari demi hari. Kerajaan pun sudah buntu memikirkan cara untuk mencegahnya kerana kes sudah berada di tahap penularan, bukan lagi di peringkat awal. Apa yang mampu kerajaan lakukan untuk rakyat adalah menasihati semua supaya menjaga kebersihan diri masing-masing dan memastikan vaksin Tamiflu sentiasa mencukupi di pusat-pusat kesihatan. Tidak kurang juga dengan sebaran doa pelindung H1N1 melalui email-email yang akhirnya mencetuskan kontroversi kerana asalnya daripada kumpulan al-Arqam yang pernah diharamkan. Penggunaan topeng-topeng muka pula sudah menjadi keharusan apabila keluar ke tempat-tempat awam. Di UTM sendiri, ana lihat ramai dikalangan mahasiswa mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga dengan memakai topeng muka untuk berkunjung ke tapak Pesta Konvokesyen ke-43. Kalau bukan bertopeng pun, ada yang sentiasa menutup hidung dan mulut dengan menggunakan sapu tangan, kain tudung bahkan dengan tangan sendiri. Malah bagi ana, pemakaian purdah pun sepatutnya dibolehkan(kerana mahasiswa UTM tidak dibenarkan berpurdah) untuk mencegah daripada terkena mahupun 'tersebar' jangkitan virus yang berkenaan.
Walau apapun cara yang digunakan, ana menasihatkan sahabat-sahabat agar sentiasa mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga dalam mencegah virus Influenza A H1N1. Dalam mengaplikasikan pelbagai cara pencegahan yang ana nampak agak teknikal, untuk mahasiswa yang Muslim, jangan sesekali antum putus berdoa agar dipelihara dan dilindungi oleh ALLAH S.W.T dalam melaksanakan segala urusan. Jangan melihat doa itu sesuatu yang remeh dan kurang praktikal kerana doa merupakan senjata mukmin, ke mana lagi pergantungan kita kalau bukan kepada ALLAH S.W.T. Kalau memakai topeng muka sekalipun, kita masih perlu memohon kepada ALLAH S.W.T agar topeng muka itu mampu melindungi kita daripada penyakit-penyakit berbahaya, kerana nyawa kita berada dalam pegangan-NYA, bukan dalam lipatan topeng muka. Kepada ALLAH lah sepatutnya kita meletakkan segala pengharapan. Wallahu'alam.
P/S: Mahasiswa UTM akan mendapat mask H1N1 percuma tidak lama lagi. Tunggu~
KUANTAN, Aug 15 – The government has decided against releasing information on Influenza A(H1N1) hot spots in the country, with Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin saying it was not a practical idea.
He said that disclosing locations with rampant A(H1N1) cases would bring about numerous implications.
For instance, if an area was declared to be free of A(H1N1), the people there might take the pandemic for granted.
On the other hand, he said, if a locality was declare to be a H1N1 hot spot, this would negatively impact the area.
“For instance if there are A(H1N1) cases detected in Kuantan, we cannot say don’t go to Kuantan. On the other hand, those living outside the hot spots may take the matter lightly. This is also dangerous,” he told reporters here.
Muhyiddin said yesterday that he would discuss with Health Ministry officials the possibility of releasing information on locations with rampant A(H1N1) cases.
He said he had discussed the matter with Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and came to the conclusion that there was no necessity to do so.
Several consumer associations had urged the Health Ministry to disclose the Influenza A(H1N1) hot spots, especially areas which involved deaths.
Muhyiddin said it was difficult to classify A(H1N1) hot spots due to the existence of cross-border transmissions.
“It’s not like disclosing haze hot spots where we are able to pinpoint their exact locations on the map. This is about viral transmission which also occurred in other countries and not confine to certain localities,” he said.
What was important, said Muhyiddin, was for all to take precautionary measures and heed the advice of health authorities.
In a related development, Muhyiddin said, the government had spent RM40 million to acquire additional supply of the antiviral drug, Tamiflu.
“We want the supply to be increased from 10 per cent to 20 per cent in all hospitals and clinics. We have also spent RM3 million to distribute face masks to students nationwide,” he said.
He also instructed the Health Ministry to shorten the waiting time for treatment in view of overcrowding in hospitals of late.
“Hospitals should give priority to treating those displaying severe symptoms of the illness,” he said. – Bernama
The Malaysian Insider

BUKIT MERTAJAM 15 Ogos — Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) menganggarkan lima juta atau 20 peratus rakyat negara ini berisiko dijangkiti virus selesema babi atau influenza A (H1N1) jika langkah pencegahan tidak diambil secara serius oleh orang ramai.
Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai berkata, kajian WHO juga menjangkakan penularan wabak itu mungkin berlarutan antara enam bulan hingga setahun lagi.
“Kajian itu menyebut bahawa jika penularan virus H1N1 di sesebuah negara tidak berjaya ditangani dengan berkesan, 20 peratus penduduknya akan terdedah dengan jangkitan virus itu,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas melawat Hospital Bukit Mertajam di sini hari ini.
Utusan Malaysia
Walau apapun cara yang digunakan, ana menasihatkan sahabat-sahabat agar sentiasa mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga dalam mencegah virus Influenza A H1N1. Dalam mengaplikasikan pelbagai cara pencegahan yang ana nampak agak teknikal, untuk mahasiswa yang Muslim, jangan sesekali antum putus berdoa agar dipelihara dan dilindungi oleh ALLAH S.W.T dalam melaksanakan segala urusan. Jangan melihat doa itu sesuatu yang remeh dan kurang praktikal kerana doa merupakan senjata mukmin, ke mana lagi pergantungan kita kalau bukan kepada ALLAH S.W.T. Kalau memakai topeng muka sekalipun, kita masih perlu memohon kepada ALLAH S.W.T agar topeng muka itu mampu melindungi kita daripada penyakit-penyakit berbahaya, kerana nyawa kita berada dalam pegangan-NYA, bukan dalam lipatan topeng muka. Kepada ALLAH lah sepatutnya kita meletakkan segala pengharapan. Wallahu'alam.
P/S: Mahasiswa UTM akan mendapat mask H1N1 percuma tidak lama lagi. Tunggu~
gud information
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