

Laman Web Kerajaan Malaysia Bakal Diserang???

Dapat link dari group blogger kat FB kat SINI.

Kumpulan yang menggelarkan diri diorang Anonymous ni katanya akan menyerang web kerajaan pada jam 7.30 malam GMT hari Rabu (3.30 pagi hari Khamis waktu Malaysia) dan menamakan projek ni sebagai "Operation Malaysia."

"Greetings, Malaysia, We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world's strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor."

Betul ke perkara ni? Kalau tak betul, takkan The Star sesuka hati nak publish berita ni? Anonymous ni da banyak hack web kerajaan kat negara lain gak ni... Klik SINI kalo nak tau lebih lanjut...

[UPDATE]: Jenguk SINI untuk interview dengan kumpulan Anonymous oleh Epoch Times.

Hurmmm... Kita tunggu dan lihat ye Khamis ni...

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  1. ermmmm mcm2..hackers mmg tak penah puas

  2. adoi! macam2..
    apa yg diaorg tak puas hati sgt tu!

  3. bia btul?ngeri betul dengar....

  4. dari dulu mcm tue.. tp mustahil berlaku.. security malaisa power apa..

  5. hahah..dah masyhor dah deorang ni yekk..kite tunggu je la..ekeke..

    eh sunah ko dah join ke GA kak es..join2..

  6. serang ja... sy geram gk dgn SKMM sb nk block 10 laman web luar.. adesh.. laman web lucah x nk block..

    biar pi depa serang laman web malaysia..

  7. sokong hackers2 tu sume!
    saya sokong diorg 120%!

  8. sunnah.. member kak pun kat Fb dan blog dia kena hack. peeh...


  9. hishhhhhh betul ke nih...kalau betul...susah ler jadinya nanti

  10. tindakan untuk block 10 web file hosting?

    hmm, secara terangnya maybe nak block piracy dan elak copyright infringement.

    tapi senang ke nak buat kalau pengguna dah terbiasa hari-hari download/upload dari situ. huhu.

    harap yang terbaik untuk benteng pertahanan siber Malaysia.

    this would be exciting~

  11. kite tggu dan lihat lah khamis ni macam mana....

  12. laman web lucah tak nak pulak dorg block???

  13. mampu ke malaysia nye defense lawan hackers ni semua??


    this gonna be exciting XD

  14. - nak jd hackers la...

    - my BIL ckp hackers kt ofis dia dibyr gaji 5 angka...umo br 20++

  15. SMART team Malaysia di Sg Buloh tu, dilengkapi dengan unit anti hackers. tapi taktau la sejauh mana kemampuan mereka.

    Entri RT ada kat blog InilahFahmi. jemput masuk dan nilai sendiri ya~ =)

  16. adakah ini gurauan? atau nk test security msia?


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